REVEALED: The Simplest And Easiest Way For You To Transform Your
Financial Life


Introducing T. Harv Eker's FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching Program


Reserve Your Spot


Financial freedom. It's something all of us want – but few of us ever achieve.

The facts are clear: out of every 100 people, only 1 person will become wealthy, 4 will become financially independent, 15 will have some savings put aside, and a whopping 80 people will be dependent on pensions, still working, or flat out broke.

That means if you're reading this right now, you have a 5% chance of ever becoming financially free. Pretty scary... right?

Can you imagine working day in and day out every day until the day you died? That's a frightening thought.

Never having the chance to do the things you want like travel, relax, support your loved ones and maybe not even have a penny to leave behind for your family.

Or being stuck in constant debt (the worst), never having the chance to get out.

Or living a life that's just “okay”, forced to put in regular work hours Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm until you are 75 years old. It's not the money that's the issue... it's the time it takes to be able to have the freedom you desire.

These are situations that people live with every single day. You might be one of them.

It's hard, it's frustrating and it can be extremely stressful. Every day, you hope and pray something doesn't happen out of the norm because if it did, you wouldn't have the funds to cover it.

Or you're constantly wondering when you can retire, not enjoying the precious time you're living right now.

You know and I know that money does not equal happiness, but it sure does help out in many different situations. It will give you freedom and choice.

Being free is something we daydream about, and it's what a lot of us strive for. But again, in all reality, most of us never achieve it. Why?

What's The Real Reason You Aren't Financially Free Yet?
It's Not Because You Haven't Worked Hard Enough!


For many it's the lack of knowledge, skills, and experience.

And most of all it's because that little voice in your head will constantly talk you out of things when life gets too hard and uncomfortable.

So the big question is... are you going to be part of the 95% of people who are dependent, working or broke for the rest of their lives?

Or are you going to become part of the top 5% of us who are financially free and independent?

I've Been Where You Are Now: Trapped In An Endless Cycle Of Financial Dependence


You may or may not know, but I was faced with a very similar choice. I was in my 20's and was doing everything I possibly could to become successful.

Unfortunately, it seemed that life had other plans for me. I couldn't seem to make anything stick.

It seemed the harder I tried, the harder I would fail. I was desperate to make something work.

Year after year... business after business. Nothing, and I mean nothing, was panning out.

It was like every choice I made was the wrong choice... Can you relate?

I was broke, I was tired and I was drained.

I struggled through 14 different businesses in 12 years. None of them were successful.

After years of frustration and struggle, I finally learned and used the principles that I now teach all over the world. And as some of you know, I went from 0 to millionaire in just over 2 years.

Sounds great, right? It was... for awhile.

I was confident, I felt successful and I knew I finally made it... until I lost it.

It turns out being a millionaire and staying a millionaire are 2 different worlds. I didn't know that.

Over the next 2 years, I lost my fortune and only had $2000 in the bank, and now had a wife and 2 babies!

I realized the hard way that making money was only 1 part of the equation.

And that having a lot of money does not necessarily mean you will “win the money game”.


Why Rich Does Not Equal Free


So how do you win the money game? For me, what I really wanted was my freedom.

I simply wanted to be able to do what I chose with my time without having to work all the time.

And here's the cool thing. Once I realized my goal was freedom... my journey became ten times easier and ten times faster.

And that's a big reason so many people struggle with money. They don't know what their real goal is.

They think the goal is to earn a ton of money. But that can be extremely hard, and it still doesn't make you free. People end up pulling 100-hour weeks and never being able to enjoy the money they earn.

Or they think the goal is to get rich. That's nice, but most people will never be rich and for the few who get there, do you know how long it takes for them to get rich?

For most it takes a good portion of their lives. 20, 30, 40, years or more.

I don't know about you but to me, waiting for 30 or 40 years to win the money game is a drag.

Because if getting rich is winning the money game, and you're not rich yet, that means you're losing the game right now. And losing never feels good, does it?

Even if some of us actually have the goal of financial freedom, the strategy most people believe is ... “When I get rich, I will be free.”

And I'm here to tell you that is just NOT TRUE.

Rich does not equal free. And as I already said, getting rich can take a lifetime.

So how do you win the money game? For me, what I really wanted was my freedom.

We need to put our energy, our attention, and our strategies on freedom first.

And then AFTER we have become fully financially free, AFTER we have won the money game, AFTER we never “have” to work again, then and only then can we set an entirely new and different goal to be rich.

The time is NOW to work on your financial freedom.

Which is why I created a brand NEW program. It's called...


The FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching Program


"First Be Free, Then Be Rich"


I've had the blessing of teaching almost 2 million students across the world.

I've had the chance to really eat, sleep and breathe the topic...

... on both sides of the spectrum, being really, really broke and being really, really, really rich and free.

I've done all the programs, read all the books, consulted with the richest and smartest people in the world and have made hundreds of millions of dollars.

All of which has helped me create a simple 8-step program to becoming financially free quickly.


Here's What Some Of Our Students Are Saying
About The FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching Program


"I wanted financial freedom and financial success but I didn't know how. I'm now in control of my money situation!"
Ling Jin


"I wasn't a good money manager and now 9 months later I have money in the bank and money saved to become financially free!"
Peter Corso


"When I took the FreedomFirst program my money mindset changed… and that change is still in effect."
Roy Greemberg


“I Quit My Job And Finally Started A Business...”

“Hey Harv, I can't tell you how much you have changed my mindset. Your principles have altered my mind, tremendously, for the better. I struggled mightily with money and realized my financial blueprint would never allow me to do any better. With your help, I've quit my 9-5 job and have since opened up my own start-up company with two of my great friends. We are growing rapidly! Thank you!”


- Zach Burkes


“Debt-Free And Happily Married.”

“Eighteen months ago, my wife and I were a week away from divorcing. We were over $150,000 in debt and always fought about money.
Your coaching changed all that and today we are happily married. We are now debt-free and own two companies worth over a quarter million dollars


- Daniel Donaghy


“Fast Results...”

“This wasn't the first time I've done ‘personal growth,' but it was the first time in relation to money. You said we should expect results fast. Fast was no joke. Within 3-4 days, I received the LARGEST CHECK I've ever received to date. And now, almost 2 weeks later, there is cash LEFT OVER and my next check will be here in a couple of days!”


- Jody Weigel


“I'm Financially Free.”

“Your courses have made a world of difference in my life! My health is great, and I am financially free – thank you so much!”


- Mark Delott


Now, I'd Like To Share My 8-Step FreedomFirst Formula With You

STEP 1: Have A Goal. Have A Plan.

The first thing is you must have is CLARITY — you need to have a clear objective and a clear plan of action.

In short, how much money do you — not anyone else, just you — need in order to be fully financially free? What's the number, exactly?

I'm not talking about how much you need in net worth and in income, I'm talking about how much you need to be earning in passive income. Income without you working.

STEP 2: The FreedomFirst Mindset

Having a freedom mindset means your thoughts, beliefs, and habits support you in creating financial freedom vs. prevent you from creating it.

Unfortunately most of us have been conditioned to not only have non-supportive thoughts and beliefs around money and wealth, but also around financial freedom and income without working.

If you continue to have non-supportive thoughts and beliefs around money, freedom and passive income... there's a good chance you'll never be free! So it's imperative to be aware of these weeds in the garden of our mind and clear them.

STEP 3: Spend Less Than You Earn

Bottom line: If you want to have money later you have to start accumulating it now. And you can't accumulate it if you don't keep any of it.

Having money is like having soldiers; in this case your soldiers are like Freedom Fighters. If you get rid of all of your soldiers you will have no one working for you. So you must keep them as best as possible.

So becoming aware of exactly how much you spend each month compared to what you earn is critical to your future freedom.

STEP 4: Manage Your Money Or Your Money Will Manage You

Would you like to know the number one difference between financially free people and poor people? Financially free people are good money managers, poor people are usually poor money managers.

If you aren't where you want to be financially, then you most likely aren't managing your money well enough.

In my system, managing your money means splitting your money up into different accounts for different uses. For example, you need to have separate accounts that cover your necessary expenses like your mortgage or rent, your groceries, your utilities, your gas and your car insurance.

Bottom line, if you don't manage your money, your money will manage you. And that my friends is not the way to freedom, it's a sure way to disaster.

STEP 5: Make A Lot More Money

Let's face it, it's great to save your money and it's great to manage your money but to do either of these you actually have to start with some money. And the more money you have coming in, the more you can mange and the more you can save and the more you can invest and the more you can build or buy passive income structures. In short, all else being in place, earning a lot of money or at least a lot more money, will make becoming financially free a lot faster and a lot easier.

Unfortunately a majority of people believe they are “stuck” with their current level of earnings, give or take a few percentages, be it from a job or from a business. And this is simply not true.

Every one of you can earn more money and even a lot more money, but to do so, you may have to change your thinking and your strategies.

The good news is there are definite ways to do it.

And this is something we work on extensively with our coaching clients and I'll tell you, once people really understand the concepts we teach them, their earnings begin to skyrocket.

STEP 6: The Power Of Appreciation

Investing for appreciation means you are looking for the value of your investment to increase.

If you reinvest your earnings, your appreciation compounds. Compounding is like when your financial soldiers have babies, and then those babies grow up and become soldiers and they go work for you, and then they have babies, and so on, and so on, and so on.

Appreciation and reinvesting your earnings are the most popular way to grow your money and how many people create their freedom and even wealth.

The issue for most people is they never learned how to properly invest.

Again, that is all very, very, very learnable and something we coach people on extensively.

STEP 7: Create Massive Passive Income

As I said earlier, earning a lot of money or even having a lot of money does not necessarily mean you are financially free.

So the 7th element is to focus on how to make money without your own time and energy involved.

Creating passive income streams is how most people can become financially free in 5 years, or even less.

There are two general types of passive income:

The FIRST type is: passive income INVESTMENTS.

The SECOND type of passive income is: passive BUSINESS income.

In this program, I'll be teaching you how to set up a business based on systems that work for you to bring in money, day or night, whether you're working or not.

Good or good?

STEP 8: Contribution

One of the things I believe is if you have the wherewithal to become financially successful it is your duty to do so. Why? So you can help people who will never have that wherewithal.

There are not hundreds, or thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people that could use our help. There are millions around the world who barely have one decent meal a day or no clean water or no access to medicine.

From what I can tell, most people are good, kind-hearted people and are very generous if they have more than enough for themselves. And there's the rub. Most people don't have an abundance of money for themselves, and so it's hard for them to be overly generous to others.

And here's the thing: generally we will do more for others than for ourselves. Meaning when we have a truly important reason or cause to support, first it seems to motivate us more and second, due to the law of karma, good things seem to happen for us.

Bottom line, do not wait until you are making a ton of money to make it a habit of contributing financially to others.

The Path To Financial Freedom Is
Waiting For You... But You Need To
Take The First Step


As I said before I've had the blessing of teaching over 1 million people from all across the world how to become financially free.

Remember, I've been on all sides of the spectrum. First being really, really broke and then being 100% financially free and then being really, really rich.

So I'm lucky enough to have discovered exactly what works and exactly what doesn't work in terms of winning the money game.

The first step as always, is awareness. You must first know the 8 elements that comprise the FreedomFirst Formula.

Second is understanding. You must learn the inner workings and specifics of each element and when, where and how to use it.

Third is action. You'll need to put into practice and execute what you learned.

In other words, you'll need to actually do it. Let me repeat that... do it.

And that part is the biggest problem for most. Because it's one thing to know what to do, but it's a whole other world to do what you know. True or true?

So what I'm trying to say is that I hope you are not done yet. Yes, you now have the knowledge of the 8 critical elements. And that's the perfect first step.

But now you've got to put it into action in the real world where you will have questions, where you might have confusion, where you might have fears, where there will be obstacles you don't know how to handle, and opportunities you don't know if you should take or not.

Not only that, but you have your habitual way of being. Remember we are creatures of habit. But what most people don't realize is that there are 2 kinds of habit.

There are doing habits and not doing habits and most people are in the habit of not, I repeat, not taking the step-by-step actions it takes to become financially free quickly. And so what happens?

They go back to their old life and they work and work and struggle and worry and wonder if and when they're ever going to make it.

And so what's the answer?

The answer is you need a little help. You need support. You need a guide. You need an expert to hold your hand and take you and push you and pull you and teach you and motivate you and do whatever it takes to get you to financial freedom.

And That's Exactly Why I Designed The FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching Program!


A program to provide you with your own master coach that will hold your hand and guide you through each of the 8 steps to financial freedom and help you take action and implement those 8 steps into your life.

Your FreedomFirst Master Coach is like a Sherpa taking you up Mt. Everest. They have been there, done that and taken hundreds if not thousands of people safely up the mountain to FINANCIAL FREEDOM and now it's your turn to go.

So what's the format?

We've actually experimented with many methods and what we've found is that the very best way to support people is by GROUP coaching. Why? Because these sessions are not only teaching and coaching, but they are actually like mini-masterminds.

A mastermind is where you're able to hear from other students and what they're going through. It will spark ideas for you, it will give you more resources and it will help support you in the challenges you may also face. And the reason it works best... is because it's real world.

Real people and real coaching for real challenges and real situations that you and others are experiencing.

Good or good?

Here's What People Say About Harv

“I Highly Recommend Harv's Work!”

“I have witnessed and admired T. Harv Eker's work for years. I highly recommend his work for anyone seeking to increase their financial, mental and emotional wealth.”

- Jack Canfield,
#1 New York Times bestselling co-author of Chicken Soup For The Soul series.


“Study Harv's Work As If Your Life Depended On It!”

“Study Harv's work as if your life depended on it... Financially it may!”

- Tony Robbins,
Bestselling author and Peak Performance Strategist.


“Harv Is A Master!”

“Harv is a master at making the road to riches simple. Finally, his powerful principles are available.”

- Marci Shimoff,
#1 New York Times bestselling author.


“Watch Your Relationships Transform!”

“Harv demystifies why some people are destined to be rich while others are destined for a life of struggle. If you want to learn about the root cause of success, learn from Harv.”

- Robert G. Allen,
#1 New York Times bestselling author.


“Take One Of His Programs!”

“Harv has a heart of gold... If you can take one of his programs I highly recommend it.”

- Brian Tracy,
#1 New York Times bestselling author.


Learn The Exact, Step-By-Step System Used By
T. Harv Eker, One Of The World's Leading Wealth & Success Trainers


T. Harv Eker is the author of the New York Times #1 bestselling book Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind and bestselling book SpeedWealth. He is also the founder of one the largest training companies in the world. He's written 19 different seminars and courses, most of which are taught all around the planet by trainers that he's taught and licensed his programs to. In addition, he's personally taught thousands of people how to not only be a world-class trainer, speaker and author but how to become rich doing it.

Today Harv has over 3 million students from 104 different countries around the world and is by anyone's account, wealthy because of it.

As Seen On:



How The FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching
Program Works

The program is 8 weeks long.

Each week you will have LIVE calls where you will learn more and then create actions to implement each of the 8 elements for financial freedom.

The goal here is to start making major progress towards your freedom, immediately.

Let me repeat that, the goal is to make progress towards your freedom immediately.

And that's important because what happens when you're making consistent progress towards your goals?

You feel more energized... you feel more empowered... you become more motivated... and you become even more committed. And all that leads to faster and better what?

Results. Yes or yes?

On these calls you can interact with your coach by asking questions and making sure you're crystal clear on what you need to do.

Also, you can get feedback on your actions from the last week so you can make any corrections or adjustments to your path.

The goal is make sure you stay on the fastest track possible to financial freedom.

And of course we have multiple times for the coaching calls each week available for you to choose from, but if for some reason you can't make one of the classes, we will have a replay posted within 24 hours so you won't miss a beat.

Ok, So Let's Talk About The Tuition For
The FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching Program

When I teach this information at a live seminar it's $2500 for the information... the course alone without any coaching. The coaching could easily double the cost of the program.

But I know that isn't affordable for everyone. And I also know that this program is crucial for every single one of you. So I want to do something special so that everyone who needs this information can access it.

But first, I want you to imagine your life a few years from now. What would it like to finally be financially free?

You wake up in the morning knowing that no matter what you do that day all the money you need would be coming in. You have the ultimate choice.

You could enjoy your morning; spend some time alone or with your family. You could go for a walk or hike or play a sport with a friend. You could pretty much do whatever you want.

Good or good?

And not just you, but your families too.

What effect do you think you being totally financially free would have on them?

For one you'd be a great role model for what life could be like if they learned the right information and mastered the right skills.

And two, a lot of the so-called “stress” with finances would be taken out of the picture.

To me that's all that matters - you happy, enjoying your life and living the lifestyle that most people only dream about.

That's the life I live. I'm 100% free to do whatever I choose every minute of every day. And I'll tell you what: it's amazing and I'm blessed and that's why I feel it's my duty to give back and help others live free too.

So if you register right now...

The tuition to the entire 8-week/2 month FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching program won't be $2500...

It won't be $1500.

As I told you, my highest value is freedom, and so my personal life mission is to get as many people financially free as humanly possible.

So again, I want to do something super special for you, but I can't do it for everyone or forever because as I'm sure you understand, we only have a small number of Master Coaches available.

And so if you are registering now, the entire FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching program will not even be $1000 or $900 or even $800.

Normally, we charge $495 for this program... but not today.

Since Harv's highest value is freedom and his mission is to help people succeed and become financially free, we're going to do something very, very, very special for a limited amount of you reading this letter right now.

After 25 years and almost 3 million students from around the world, we’ve found that one of the biggest challenges that stop students from success is their inability to take action.

In the end, you MUST take action if you want to succeed in the real world. Yes or yes?

So to reward the 'action takers', we're going to give up to 25 people per class, an additional 40% off our already low webinar special price.

That means the price of the entire 8-week coaching program will only be $299.


Click The Add To Cart Button & Get Access To
T. Harv Eker's FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching Now


FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching


Get instant access with one payment and save 40% on the entire program.






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Harv Eker All-Access


Get instant access to FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching PLUS unlock all of T. Harv Eker’s signature courses every month. You get every program for 95% off.






Enroll Now


Or pay in full $599 to unlock all courses immediately.


*Choosing the monthly option of $175/month unlocks one course per month.


Financial gains are indicative of each individual's personal
success/efforts and results may vary from person to person.



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What Happens After You Order


1. Click the "Add To Cart" button above and you'll be taken to a Secure Checkout page.
2. Complete your order and you'll get an email with your login name and password.


Not Sure If It's Right For You? Try The Program Risk-Free For 15 Days


And listen, I know how amazing this program is and I know what it will do for you, but you might not know for sure and so I want to remove any concerns you might have with a super easy, money back guarantee.

Take a full 15 days from when the program begins to experience and go through 2 full calls with your coach.

If you're not 100% satisfied and excited about the next 6 weeks of the program, simply contact our office. We'll refund you every penny of your tuition – no questions asked.

Good or good?

As I said, this is important and so I'm not stopping there. If you are going to register for this program then I know you are serious about your financial freedom and so to reward you and help you even more I'm going to give you some additional bonuses as well...

When You Register For The FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching Program You'll Also Get These Special Bonuses

Bonus #1: Pick 1 Family Member To Join You FREE
($495 Value)

I know how important it is for other members of your family to take this program as well.

So again, if you register right now...

I will allow one immediate family member (or someone living under the same roof) to join the program as your guest for... FREE.

They will get access to the entire 8 week coaching program as well.

Bonus #2: How To Make A Lot Of Money ($299 Value)

First, would you like to make a lot more money? I mean a LOT more money, as in maybe increasing your current income by tenfold?

When you enroll in the FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching program, you will get access to an incredible training I created called "How To Make A Lot Of Money".

It's one of my newest creations, and in it I will teach you the exact step-by-step process I and thousands of my students have now used to multiply their income by 5, 10, even 20 times!

This is a huge bonus that's priceless because the information is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars over your lifetime. But I want you to have it because it will help you become financially free faster.

Good or good or good?

Bonus #3: A Weekly 30-Minute Q&A Call At The End Of Your Coaching Sessions ($600 Value)

There’s nothing worse than learning something and still not fully understanding how you can apply it in your life.

So instead of trying to figure it out all by yourself, your FreedomFirst Master coach is going to stay on each coaching session for at least 30 minutes after the call to answer all your questions about that particular module or any prior module. After the call, all you’ll have to think about is completing your actions and being that much closer to reaching financial freedom.

Bonus #4: Declarations Screensaver ($47 Value)

Next, we have our declarations. Declarations are a way to engrain the principles into your subconscious and make good financial decisions your automatic way of being.

And so we've crafted a special set of declarations you can read every day to make sure you are implementing what you learn from the program. And so if you register today you will get your own FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching Declarations Screensaver to have up on your computer.

Bonus #5: Professionally Designed Workbook ($97 Value)

And finally, you will get a professionally designed FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching workbook.

This workbook will help you follow along with the exercises given in the program, and is the ideal place to write down your key points and future actions you're going to take that week.

Again this is setup to help engrain what you're learning and make sure you are taking the right actions.

So there you have it...


Click The Add To Cart Button & Get Access To
T. Harv Eker's FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching Now


FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching


Get instant access with one payment and save 40% on the entire program.






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Harv Eker All-Access


Get instant access to FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching PLUS unlock all of T. Harv Eker’s signature courses every month. You get every program for 95% off.






Enroll Now


Or pay in full $599 to unlock all courses immediately.


*Choosing the monthly option of $175/month unlocks one course per month.


Financial gains are indicative of each individual's personal
success/efforts and results may vary from person to person.



All orders processed on a secure server.


What Happens After You Order


1. Click the "Add To Cart" button above and you'll be taken to a Secure Checkout page.
2. Complete your order and you'll get an email with your login name and password.


Here's What People Say About Harv

“My Net Worth Skyrocketed...”

“Dear Harv, Since I attended your program one year ago, my net worth has skyrocketed! Last year my net worth was $90,000, now it is close to half a million. I can't thank you enough.”


- Catherine Hallock


“I Went From Zero To $800,000... With A $13 Per-Hour Job...”

“Hey Harv! I have gone from being worth $0 to now having almost $800,000 in real estate, a fully paid for car and my beloved Harley. I did it on $13/hour and with some wise investing in real estate and house flipping. I am a money magnet! My life is fantastic and the final pieces to my puzzle are quickly falling into place!”


- David Jackson


When Will You Become Free?

I know that the information in this program has already helped thousands of our students achieve their financial goals and dreams so I know it works and it works in the real world.

So, if you do want to be financially free, and you want to be free as soon as possible, but you're letting fear or worry or old habits stop you from registering right now, that's not so fine.

In this case I invite you to challenge that voice in your head, and not let fear-based thinking rule you.

In life you will have 2 main choices. You can come from fear and contraction or you can come from growth and expansion.

One choice will shrink your spirit and move you backwards in your life.

The other will expand your spirit and move you forwards towards the life you really want.

After all these years, one thing I've noticed is that the quality of our life usually boils down to just a handful of choices we make. Our choice of partner, our choice of work, our choice of where we live and our choice of what we choose to learn.

My friends, I truly believe this is one of those crossroads in your life where if you make the right choice here and you choose to join this program, your life will end up different.

Why? Because of the law of attention that states that where attention goes, energy flows and results show.

Meaning that just by choosing to participate in the FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching program you will be putting more intention and more attention on your financial freedom. And the results will show.

So give yourself and your family this gift. Again, what could be better than being totally free?

To be able to do what you want to do, when you want to do it and not be forced to do things you don't want to do because you "have" to.

Have to. Have to. I hate those words, have to. Because they remind me of living a ball and chain existence. Living based in struggle and obligation and deadening our spirit.

I know because I used to live that way and I hated it. I hated it so badly that I did whatever it took to get myself free. And what I did worked. It worked for me and it will work for you.

And like myself, you will move from a life of "have to" to "want to". And that, my friends, will make all the difference your world.

So join this program. Simply click on the "Add To Cart" button below.

For those of you who are coming with us on the freedom train, we look forward to seeing you on your first FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching call.

You are going to love the program and most of all you are going to love, love, love watching yourself become truly and totally financially free. It's the best.

For Your Freedom,

Still Have Questions?

See Below For Answers To Our Most Common Questions


This coaching program is for anyone who wants to become financially free in his or her life as quickly as possible.

In just 8 weeks you'll:

  1. Get a crystal clear objective and a clear plan of action for winning the money game.
  2. Develop a freedom mindset to support your thoughts, beliefs, and habits in creating financial freedom vs. prevent you from creating it.
  3. Learn how to keep a decent portion of the money you earn so you can use it to create your freedom.
  4. Learn the simplest money management system in the world, so easy even your kids could do it.
  5. Learn proven strategies and principles to increase your active income.
  6. Learn to find investments that will rise in value so you can grow your money and create freedom.
  7. Focus on how to make money without trading your time and energy for it.
  8. And much, much, much more...

Rest assured that you are being coached by highly qualified and certified Harv Eker International coach.

We only take coaches who have gone from broke to free using T. Harv Eker's system so they can show you how they did it.

They come from diverse backgrounds and have different experiences with all types of vehicles to help guide you towards becoming free... which they will discuss on each of your coaching calls.


First of all, this is NOT a home study program.

The FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching program is an 8-week hands-on interactive group coaching program. This program was created by Harv himself from his most profound lessons he learned which were a big part of his financial success.

We will take you by hand and show you exactly what you need to do to achieve financial success and true freedom.

Our goal is to get you financially free as fast as possible.


As fast as you want. You see, if you're committed enough to show up to your calls each week, participate fully during your calls, follow the modules closely with your coach, and take action with your Freedom Steps, you'll start seeing results well before you even finish the 8 weeks of coaching sessions.


The coaching will happen LIVE each week on a scheduled date and time.

Calls start on Monday, September 12th at 11 am PST and run for the following 8 weeks.

PLEASE NOTE: Replays will be sent every Friday if a session is missed.

Also, EXTRA sessions and times will be added if needed. We want to make sure everyone is able to get all their questions answered and get the best results possible. Those dates and times will be announced before the first week IF we add them.



The coaching calls are meant for you to participate and share what you're going through personally and ask any and all questions until you have a full understanding of the material being taught.

Simply raise your hand or submit your questions to your coach using our webinar platform for all calls – Zoom.

The FreedomFirst Coaching calls are a judgment free zone, which is made clear at the start of every call. Everyone is on his or her own path and we are all here to support each student on their path to financial freedom.

PLEASE NOTE: You can also ask as many questions as you like in our FreedomFirst Private Facebook Group and be answered by our moderators, coaches, and other students in the program. Feel free to answer any questions in the group to help out other students as well!


If you miss a live coaching session, you will receive a recorded replay every Friday. Once you get the recording, you can listen to it as many times as you want on the FreedomFirst Coaching website.


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T. Harv Eker's FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching Now


FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching


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Harv Eker All-Access


Get instant access to FreedomFirst Wealth Coaching PLUS unlock all of T. Harv Eker’s signature courses every month. You get every program for 95% off.






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Or pay in full $599 to unlock all courses immediately.


*Choosing the monthly option of $175/month unlocks one course per month.


Financial gains are indicative of each individual's personal
success/efforts and results may vary from person to person.



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1. Click the "Add To Cart" button above and you'll be taken to a Secure Checkout page.
2. Complete your order and you'll get an email with your login name and password.